Batson ChiroHealth Group FAQ’s

We’ll answer all of your questions!
As your Nashville Chiropractors, we want to answer to some of the most commonly asked questions we receive here at Batson ChiroHealth Group. If you have any additional questions about chiropractic care, please give a call at (615) 883-9903.
Does my insurance cover my treatment?
Please realize that we are not a practice that treats our patients based on insurance coverage. However, we put 100% of our focus on the individual needs of every patient, providing the best quality of health care possible.
While we are no longer a preferred provider with any health insurance company and do not bill or accept payment from them, you may submit your receipt of services to your insurance and you may be reimbursed. Also, your HSA or FSA may also be used to pay for services. Additionally, we do still accept payment from personal injury and car accident cases through insurance and we will handle all of that on your behalf.
Because we have become a one stop shop for so many natural healthcare & wellness services like regenerative medicine, acupuncture, massage, spinal decompression, dry-needling, neurofeedback, and more, continuing to treat patients based solely on insurance coverage no longer fit who we are and all we can do for patients. With premiums, deductibles, and co-pays going up as much as they have, we have found that by offering affordable cash pay options, in many cases, the out of pocket expense is less and even more affordable. We also offer in-house financing, packaged service discounts, and memberships.
We take pride in offering the very best experience with the best doctors, best team, and the best products in our field. We would love to answer your questions and show you options that would work for you.
How much time can I expect to be in your office?
The first visit usually takes about 60-90 minutes. It’s important that we are thorough and find out what’s wrong and determine if we can help you. Regular visits usually take 30-45 minutes, depending on your needs.
Once I start, will I have to go to a Nashville chiropractor forever?
NO. As Nashville Chiropractors, we are conservative and don’t believe in high pressure, high visit care plans. Treatment is always your choice. Receiving Chiropractic Care in Nashville is no more addictive than brushing your teeth or taking vitamins. However, your body is always changing; it is not static. Things that are good for you, like exercise and eating right, are only good for you as long as you’re doing them. Many people, especially those that are active, discover the huge benefit Chiropractic has on their overall health and do choose to get adjusted every 4-6 weeks to stay well. Others report as needed or only when they hurt. But again, it’s always your choice.
Do you work with medical doctors?
Absolutely, we can not cure or even help you with everything. For that reason, we work with some of the best orthopedic and neurosurgeons in the city, and we will refer you to them, if necessary. We are more than happy to suggest a primary care physician if you do not have one, and we want your doctor to know what we are doing to help you in our office.
Will you suggest exercises or other things I can do?
Yes. We have a full physical rehab area that is staffed with four therapists and you will be shown exercises/stretches to do at home. However, we will not give them to you until you are about 25% better. While you may have heard to push through the pain and keep on exercising– doing stretches or exercises too soon can slow down the progress of the condition and actually make it worse. It’s important to allow time for tissue regeneration, and the reduction of inflammation, before starting back to certain physical activities. Don’t worry, we’ll give you lots to do, when we determine you’re ready.
Contact Batson ChiroHealth Group now at (615) 883-9903 to schedule an appointment.